Taxonomic list T4, primary language: EN, subsidiary: LA, interface: EN, work in progress

muscle of pelvis

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Top level organ Short Extended
Level 2 muscle organ Short Extended
Level 3 muscle of trunk Short Extended
Current level muscle of pelvis
Subsidiary language with Latin
Non Latin primary language
Taxonomic list
Short English equivalent
Short official Latin term
19086 10436
muscle of pelvis
musculus pelvis
19726 1950 part
pelvic diaphragm ; pelvic floor
diaphragma pelvis
19087 1951 part
levator muscle of anus ; levator ani muscle
musculus levator ani
19088 1961 part
ischiococcygeal muscle ; coccygeal muscle ; ischiococcygeus muscle; coccygeus muscle
musculus ischiococcygeus ; musculus coccygeus
4 items
Scientific notes
Libelle of note
Going back to DeLancey (1996 J Pelvic Surg 2:260-263) and Shafik (1999 World J Urol 17:266-273), it would be wise to keep the term Musculus levator ani as the top position of the partonomy.
Type of list T4
List Unit Identifier 10436
Number of children 3 (validated)
Number of units 4 (validated)
Signature 17321 (validated since 8.6.2024)
Date: 31.12.2024